Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting It Done

Good Grief. This week has been so chaotic, so ridiculous, that I feel loopy and out of whack. Recap: Jeremy left on Monday, I got sick, began the "flo" so was super.. ahem... "thrilled," and was still furniture-less.

Wednesday, our furniture FINALLY arrived only two days + two hours late. When they finally got the truck unloaded, I almost cried at how crammed our tiny apartment was. But, I pulled through and got about half unpacked before Jeremy came home. I picked him up from the airport Friday afternoon and the two of us really plowed through the rest of the boxes. Whew! I think right now, we have the movies, last of the books, and about two more big boxes to unpack. And it is true what they say: you get rid of a lot more after moving, too.

So, some highlights: Sophie is really walking! She is so tiny and cute. Ayla couldn't be more thrilled and is waiting desperately for Sophie to start chasing her. Ayla, herself, has been so wound up this week, eager to help, eager to be doing anything. When we finally got her room unpacked, she jumped up, started shaking her bum, and singing a song about getting her room back.

Jeremy "officially" started his new job today and I think it went really well. It was weird telling him "goodbye" when he went into another room. Haha.

We have been too busy to really keep up good communication with anyone at the moment, but know we are thinking of you all and miss everyone terribly.

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