Monday, September 22, 2008

From Lakewood to Mount Falcon

So many good choices in the area and for a self diagnosed ADD it can be a good thing and a bad.

At 1st I thought about Centennial Cone but as the Fates held destiny it was closed to bikes Sunday. Then Kenosa Pass came to mind but I needed to spend some time with my wife and little girls and that would keep me away for most of the day.

So Mount Falcon started calling me on the Map and at 6:30am I left our apartment in Lakewood headed west..

Sunrise from the Greenbelt Trail
Sunrise from the GreenBelt Trail

Finding a winding route up the eastern side of Green Mountain I pass the two water towers and made my way to Summit Trail.

Deer on Green Mtn
Deer on Green Mtn

On over to the Radio? Tower and a short look at the map to find my way down Hayden Trail.

Views to the West Views to the west from Green Mtn
Views from the west on Green mtn

A fun swoopy section of Green Mountain Brings me to the C-470 Bridge..To do Zorro and Dakota Ridge...oh so much fun...or head down the C 470 Bike Path to Morrison and explore some new to me trail???

Dakota will always be there and now knowing combining it with Mount Falcon in the future is a possibility...the Bike Path it is....

C-470 bikepath

Into Morrison
Into Morrison

Red Rocks, Dakota Ridge, Green Mtn
View of the Red Rocks, Dakota Ridge, and Green Mtn in the Distance from Castle Trail on Mount Falcon...That Radio? Tower looks so far away.

Views from Castle Trail
View to the South From Paralee Trail on Mount Falcon

Ute Trail at Mount Falcon
Ute Trail at Mount Falcon....look at that we do have trees in the Colorado front range:p

So came the ultimate decision...ride over and descend through Lair O the Bear..which I've only hiked a short bit of and descend into Morrison by way of 74 or Descend back down Castle...wanting the dirt I decided on going back down Castle but the way down Lair O the Bear may be next time's descent.

By the time I reached the bottom of Mount Falcon it was now 10:20am and I'm getting a bit hungry. I called Tabetha and ask her and the girls to meet me in Morrison for lunch. I'll just hang out at the Morrison Inn and maybe Red Rock Cyclery till they get in.

Town of Morrison

Morrison Murals
Morrison Murals

Red Rocks cyclery and bank? it a bike shop...a coffee bar..or a bank? Not shown in the picture is a teller machine to the right.

MMMMM...32 ozs of Fat Tire
MMMMMM....32 ozs of Fat Tire:thumbsup: on a tummy with just a couple shots of gel and a bottle of perpetulum in it.

The Family showed up around 11:40 with a fresh set of clothes for me and a couple of growling tummies to accompany them. On over to Rigatoni's for lunch and the rest of the day to spend with my favorite ladies with somewhere around 25 to 30 miles in the legs.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Officially Walking (or Crawling No More)

Sophie is officially walking on her own! I think it became "official" about 5 days ago when we noticed that she was refusing to crawl anymore. She's a riot to watch and Ayla loves chasing her around. Or she loves chasing Ayla. Its hard to tell who is chasing who, sometimes. Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ayla's First Hair Cut

Today is the day we cut off that hair! That messy, rat-nest, pain-in-the-a**-to-comb hair! And she was pretty excited.

The "Before" Shot

First Cut

Pile of Hair From the Back

The "After" Shot

Ayla looks SO SO cute with her hair short. Like a pixie!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some Pictures to Share

Its been a while since we have updated with pictures, so I thought I would throw a few at you (to appease those chomping at the bit... LOL)

Sophie Flirting with Buddha (Packing Day)

Who Will Get Dizzy First (Ayla Riding in Circles Around Sophie)

Hiking at Lair O' The Bear
Tabetha and Ayla at Lair O the Bear

Tabetha and Ayla at Lair O the Bear

Oh, and YUM! Hehe This is a picture of one of the AMAZING salads at our new favorite restaurant called Mad Greens (Cat would be in heaven...)
Mad Eats, good food

Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting It Done

Good Grief. This week has been so chaotic, so ridiculous, that I feel loopy and out of whack. Recap: Jeremy left on Monday, I got sick, began the "flo" so was super.. ahem... "thrilled," and was still furniture-less.

Wednesday, our furniture FINALLY arrived only two days + two hours late. When they finally got the truck unloaded, I almost cried at how crammed our tiny apartment was. But, I pulled through and got about half unpacked before Jeremy came home. I picked him up from the airport Friday afternoon and the two of us really plowed through the rest of the boxes. Whew! I think right now, we have the movies, last of the books, and about two more big boxes to unpack. And it is true what they say: you get rid of a lot more after moving, too.

So, some highlights: Sophie is really walking! She is so tiny and cute. Ayla couldn't be more thrilled and is waiting desperately for Sophie to start chasing her. Ayla, herself, has been so wound up this week, eager to help, eager to be doing anything. When we finally got her room unpacked, she jumped up, started shaking her bum, and singing a song about getting her room back.

Jeremy "officially" started his new job today and I think it went really well. It was weird telling him "goodbye" when he went into another room. Haha.

We have been too busy to really keep up good communication with anyone at the moment, but know we are thinking of you all and miss everyone terribly.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jeremy's Gone

And I am home alone with the girls. Whhee! I think Sophie cried and nursed more than she actually slept last night caused by, I think, more teeth coming in. She's gnawing on her fingers so much that I think she is causing her gums to bleed a bit. Ayla keeps asking every five minutes where her Daddy is. Late last night, in fact, she woke up and said, "Is Daddy home yet?" Only 3 and a half more days until Daddy gets home.

Jeremy flew out Monday morning for his Whirlpool training in TN. So far, so good. I'm on the hunt this week for a desk and office chair for him. Not really a surprise, but I thought it would be nice to get him all set up for the new gig.

Our furniture is "supposed" to come tomorrow, but as of 11 this morning, I still haven't heard from the driver. Fingers crossed. I don't think I can go another day without my kitchen stuff!!

I'm sick with a yucky cold at the moment which means I have not been eager in the least to venture out much. Ayla has been handling it pretty well, but she is getting a little desperate to get out. I think this afternoon I'll take them to the park... if I can pack enough tissues for myself, that is. Blech.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Finally an Update

Things have been more than a little crazy around here, but I will quickly fill in the gist of the details.

Friday, we closed on our house first thing in the morning. We then grabbed some lunch and headed to the airport. Let me tell you: two children, one 5,000 lb carry on, and a three hour lay-over = one very exhausted mama desperately needing a liquor store. LOL We made it in to Aunt Jennifer's waiting arms around 7:30 mountain time. Jeremy, after dropping us off at the airport, arrived in CO on Saturday by 8pm (impressive!).

So, without furniture or a whole lot of lights in the new apartment (no lights in the bedrooms or living room. Pooh), we ended up staying at Jennifer's for a week. We've had a few problems with the apartment office staff (as in they are royal idiots... ) which has caused some angst, but overall, we are pretty content with our choice. We received some bummer news yesterday, though - our moving truck is going to be two days late!! GAH! What makes that part so ultra annoying is that the weather likes to be 75 one day and then drop to 45 the next, so all of our warm clothes are on the moving truck. We had packed a weeks worth of clothing, including one or two warm outfits, but with no washer and dryer... well, you get the picture. A bit of a hassle.

One bit of amazing news to share: WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!!! WWHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! The feeling is indescribable.

Jeremy flies out Monday for training in TN with Whirlpool (means I will be coordinating movers with two babies alone), and while he is quite nervous, I can tell he is very excited, too.

Things are really going well out here. There is so much to do and see, we don't quite know where to begin. The mountains are huge, the air is dry, the weather crisp, and thus far, so many nice people. And Whole Foods grocery ROCKS! LOL We are feeling quite happy and confident with the road ahead of us.

Pics will come up soon, but thank you all for your love and support. We miss you.