Saturday, July 19, 2008


Whew! Our family has gone through some massive changes here lately, but the biggest one is probably one of the most surprising. Here, let me soften the blow with some cute pictures of the kidlets:



Ok, we have sold our house (Yea!). And we have long talked about going to Virginia, but... we've changed our minds. Instead, we are heading out to COLORADO! I know, I know - we change our minds a lot. We are totally psyched, though, so this post marks our official countdown to moving day. 41 Days until CO! Its one of the reasons we have decided to start a family blog. It is important to us that our family and friends be able to check in, keep track, and see updated pictures (since we slack in the mailing department).

Some more pictures to soothe your pained hearts:



Jeremy was offered a really nice job and, since he despises the numbers-crunching corporation he is with, this brought lots of great feelings in our bellies. He actually had 2 other companies that were somewhat grooming him to work for them, too! And, because the money was right, the people sound right, and the company carries the philosophies that Jeremy agrees with, we accepted.

I, of course, am so excited out living near my sis-in-law (who really is way too cool to be called an in-law), Jennifer. I'm a little nervous about being uprooted from the coast where most of my family lives, but I am fortunate that they encourage my exploration of life where ever it may take me. We both are lucky to have such family and friends...

So, we hope you take advantage of this easy portal into our lives. We promise it will be updated regularly with pics of the kids and stories of our new discoveries. Thank you, all of you, for your love and support throughout our transitions.

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