Tuesday, July 29, 2008

North Carolina Zoo

Grandpa and Lee Ann treated us to a weekend at the zoo and we had a lot of fun. We arrived Friday evening, met up for dinner, and then headed to the zoo first thing Saturday morning. I totally took the opportunity to ride with my Dad on his motorcycle to our destination!
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Looking like a total dork...

We saw lions, bears, elephants, bison, huge snakes, colorful frogs, zebra, giraffes, gorillas, baboons... the list goes on and on. We were very impressed by the quality and size of the habitats. Ayla would look at an animal for a minute before saying, "Come on, let's go see another animal now." LOL
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Climbing on the rhinos

The weather was wonderful for the larger part of the day, but by afternoon it got very hot. So hot, in fact, that I think Ayla got a touch of heat exhaustion evidenced by her throwing up after a late afternoon nap (don't worry: once she did, she was instantly better and stayed awake practically all night!).

We received a nice surprise later in the evening when we ran into some old family friends who were checking into the same hotel: The Savage Family! What a small world!! Sunday morning, during breakfast, we all enjoyed catching up on each other. It wasn't a bad drive home, especially since we stopped off in Hickory to have lunch with our friend Carla.
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Snuggling with her sheep on the way home

It was nice to see Grandpa, Lee Ann, and the whole Savage gang before our move. And we have lots more of the fam to see this month around Sophie's birthday! YEA! Enjoy the pictures...
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Climbing on the forts.

Daddy and Sophie
Snacking while waiting for the tram

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Hiding in the tree trunk!

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Digging for bugs in the Kid's Zone

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Chillin' with Grandpa and Lee Ann

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