Friday, December 26, 2008

We had a Happy Solstice and a Merry Christmas!

We've had a wonderful month of holidays here at home. Jennifer joined us for our Winter Solstice dinner before we exchanged handmade gifts. Jeremy was sweet and had some photos of the girl's framed, while I handed out knitted hats, mittens, and bowls. Jennifer made us a cool scrapbook that is ready for pictures! Christmas Eve, Ayla and I made cookies for Santa, leaving them on the table with a cup of milk and a note of thanks. She was SO excited to see the crumbs he left and the presents under the tree. It was fun to see her getting into "it" for the first time. The girls played with their new toys all day...

We have so many thanks to send out for the gifts and money given to us: Auntie Boo Boo, Aunt Jennifer, Nana & Pops, Grama, Aunt Debbie, Esmeralda and Family, Grandma and Grandpa Hedrick, Grandma Barnes, and I am told that there is more coming in the mail. Thank you, everyone, for your sweet generosity.

Jac's wedding was a lot of fun. It was wonderful seeing all the family again. We were thrilled to finally meet Jeff and certainly glad to have him as part of the clan. The girl's were great while in Florida, and while Tampa is on my most hated city list, I look forward to seeing my sister's again soon.
Wedding photos by Hamed 007

Wedding photos by Hamed 035

Wedding photos by Hamed 322

Wedding photos by Hamed 144

Wedding photos by Hamed 326

Here's some random pictures from this month (just 3):
This is Ayla modeling the sweater that I custom designed for her (yes, I am pretty darn proud of it!)
Ayla modeling

Ayla Modeling

Jeremy out riding in the snow. It's starting to become a common occurence! LOL

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