Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Snow

Well, we didn't really get snow ON Thanksgiving, but it came the next day... and the day after that. LOL I think we received a grand total of about 5-6 inches here. It was AWESOME! And then the next day it was in the 60s! Whew! Ayla LOVES the snow and as soon as she saw it, she insisted on going out to build a snowman. For some reason, though, that picture accidentally became erased. Sophie doesn't like the snow too much, preferring just to stand on the side to look at it. She screams pretty loud when it touches her hands. Haha!

Jeremy went out for his guy bike ride on Friday night and it was so clear, but then in the middle, the snow came falling FAST!
Friday Night TITS

Sophie checking out the snow aboard her sled

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We spent the day with Vincent and Aunt Jennifer, eating lots of turkey and pie. Yum! It got exhausting pretty quickly with the kids all over the place, but it was so nice to spend a holiday with family.
Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Ayla and I spent a day together recently and it was loads of fun. I took her to see "Bolt" in the theaters (her first visit to one) and then pick up her flower girl dress for Aunt Henry's (Jacqueline) wedding. She was so funny in the bridal store, running around to all the dresses and exclaiming about how fancy they were. She kept wanting to know if they were "her size."

We all went hiking out at St. Mary's Glacier not too long ago and were awed by how much snow there was on the mountain top. We weren't exactly prepared, but it was still fun!
This is the lake with at least an inch thick of ice


December 1 was when we pulled out the Yule Tree and began the decorations. The girls were so excited and remain captivated by the lights.

Enjoy the rest of the pictures!

Sophie says "That was one dang good cookie!"

Sweet Smile



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahha, Ayla is picking her nose in the one picture of all you guys on thanksgiving! hahahahahaha