Friday, August 22, 2008

Mrs. Goat's 1st Mountain Bike Ride Ever!

Finally after 9 years of marriage my wife has succumbed to the dark side and let me build her a mountain bike. :thumbsup: I built her a 16" Soma Juice which she actually picked 1st and I liked the frame so much I had to build my own 20" version.

We took the girls over to the Flat Woods at Dupont where I let her warm up around the parking lot while I put the trailer together. A few saddle adjustments and we were off in the Kids loop for her 1st trail experience in her life on a bike.

I tried to entice her into riding the wood features but she was having none of that so we cruised over to Hickory Mtn Rd. Onto Ridgeline Trail and while breathing hard she was smiling and saying she was having a good time. Sweet!

We cruised to the bottom of Ridgeline, having to pull off trail for horses twice and during the second pull off she flipped off the bike, smiling and laughing the whole time.

We took a short siesta at Lake Imaging where I let Tabetha know she could wait and I could climb up and get the car or she could try to climb back up with me. Being the trooper she is, she decided to climb and though she had to stop a few times, she made it back up and all the way back to the car.

Awesome, I'll have this lady kicking some booty soon!

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