Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some Tidbits

Just a few fun facts:
1. Ayla can now count to 100 (with very minimal help)
2. Sophie now has her own bed and has accepted the transfer REALLY well. She might be ready to move in to Ayla's room sooner than we thought ... gulp. Now to save up for a bed system to fit them in there. LOL
3. We are beginning the enrollment process for KINDERGARTEN! Still with her school, Free Horizon Montessori, but she will be going all day (a big step!)
4. Sophie's vocabulary is really expanding. It's so awesome to hear her and Ayla play together.
5. Ayla has shot up again in height, so time for new clothes before summer. All of her jeans look like capris.
6. Ayla has requested a Lion Birthday Party. I'll send out her wish list at a later date. :)
7. Sophie is a WHIZ with puzzles! Wow! She can do them so fast, barely even looking to figure them out!
8. And I finally found the dang Halloween photos. They got put in the wrong folder, but you can enjoy them now:



And here are some other pics I found:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

A Lion party it is.